Influencer Marketing strategy || 5 common mistakes that brands make and how you can avoid them
Influencer Marketing strategies have shaped the next big thing for almost every brand which focuses on online marketing. Getting the attention of the audience is very important these days when it comes to choosing an influencer marketing strategy. While this industry is expected to reach new heights, brands still make mistakes in implementing their social media influencer marketing campaign successfully.
In this blog, we will help you to learn from these 5 common mistakes and to choose your next or upcoming influencer marketing strategy more effectively.
Influencer Marketing strategy || 5 Common Mistakes that Brands Make and How you can avoid them
- Neglecting Nano and Micro-Influencer Marketing Strategies
One of the mistakes which brands commit while implementing influencer marketing strategies is not working with Nano or Micro-Influencers. Unlike mega influencers or celebrities, nano influencers and micro-influencers share a close bond with their followers. They interact with their audience almost regularly which makes their social media engagement rate high and works as a reliable micro influencer marketing strategy for brands to leverage. They tend to be more authentic in terms of their follower base, which makes the audience listen to them more. What makes them more relevant is that they always talk about a particular niche or stick to it. Brands that focus on a particular niche can target these influencers for the execution of their influencer marketing campaign.
2. Not having an Objective for your Influencer Marketing Strategy
Having a clear objective can bring your planned influencer marketing strategy great success. Surprisingly, the majority of brands forget this important step, which results in poor brand awareness, engagement rates, and low ROI. Before launching a campaign, a clear objective is a must.
Do you want to increase brand awareness or need more engagement?
Do you want to generate more sales or increase your followers? Whatever your objective for the strategy may be, have it properly defined and then only move forward with the execution of the strategy. An Influencer marketing agency might make this step easier for you if you have certain questions.
3. No Call-To-Action
We saw right now how crucial it is to have a clear campaign objective. In the same way, a common mistake we end up making while working on influencer advertising plans is that we do not include Call-To-Action in them. The Call-To-Action helps the target audience of a specific influencer advertising campaign to take the desired action like on which landing page they should go or where they should click. Examples include buying a product, subscribing to the channel or following the profile. Adding urgency along with CTA at the end of the caption or content helps the audience to take immediate action.
4. Not Analyzing the Influencer Marketing Campaign
The success of any influencer marketing campaign not only depends on defining the objective, selecting the influencers and going live with it, but it also depends on analyzing the results. Analyzing your social media influencer marketing efforts and campaign results is very important if one wants to measure the effectiveness of the brand.
If you have clearly defined KPIs, you can compare them with the results of the campaign. You can use different social media influencer marketing tools to analyze data related to sessions, engagement rate and click-through-rate.
5. Selecting Influencers based on Followers and not on Engagement rate.
A lot of brands tend to select the influencers based on their followers when it comes to Influencer campaigns. This is a common mistake that you can easily avoid. The number of followers is not always important but the engagement rate is.
Engagement rate is a metric used to assess the average number of interactions influencers receive per follower on their social media. Engagement rate is calculated as the total number of interactions the content received divided by the total number of followers, multiplied by 100%. It provides an honest assessment of the quality of content and also if the followers are interested in the influencers work. If an Influencer has big numbers of followers but has very low engagement, that means people are not able to resonate with the content or not interested in what the influencer communicates with them. A micro influencers strategy may work well in this case as it strongly relies on engagement rate in order to scale.
No doubt, working on an influencer marketing strategy is challenging. But we may consider a few things so that we don’t commit any mistakes while implementing them. To make any influencer campaign better and to make sure that the desired results are achieved, let’s prevent these 5 mistakes while implementing the campaign and creating any strategy. Read more about the influencers and related strategies at Influencer.in.